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From February 2024, we are EKAnalys AB.

Jörgen Rogstam - VD

We are pleased to announce that Svensk Energi & Kylanalys AB now continues its activities under a new name and registration number. As of February 2024, we are known as EKAnalys AB with registration number 556892-5159. This change does not alter our commitments or the high quality of services our customers have come to expect.

We also want to inform you that Simon Bolteau has become a co-owner alongside Jörgen Rogstam (CEO). Together, we will continue to develop and strengthen our company.

Simon Bolteau - New co-owner

We would also like to remind you that we have relocated to new premises in Södermalm, Magnus Ladulåsgatan 1. You are welcome to visit us at our new address.

We look forward to continued cooperation under our new company name and registration number. For questions or further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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